The goddess of love finally left Virgo on Wednesday where she’s been doing the work she enjoys least under the leadership of the messenger god Mercury. He’s been investigating the underlying causes of some of the more challenging issues we’ve been dealing with in our lives as he’s retrograded through Scorpio, but as the two simultaneously entered Libra (Mercury crossed over just minutes before Venus) the tables have turned, and Mercury now seeks the counsel and influence of Venus. We may find a relationship issue that we were dealing with in September reactivated this week for fine tuning, and with Venus geared towards balance and harmony in relationships, and approaching an opposition to Chiron the healer, there’s the potential for an alchemically healing communication.
This weekend’s fully epic Full Moon in Taurus is also ruled by the goddess, and her influence softens and beautifies some of its potential volatility. It’s a Blue Moon (the second in a calendar month) and the first to coincide with Samhain/Halloween/All Hallow’s Eve across all timezones since World War II (1944) when things were about as freaky as they are right now. (Actually the Full Moon culminates at 1:49am November 1 AEST/ 14:49 October 31 Universal time but it’s close enough). In a year that’s pivoted on death, when so much has been stripped away, it seems apt that this Full Moon falls on a festival associated with shedding, when the veil between worlds was considered thinnest, and people dressed as monsters to ward off ghosts, and made offerings and entertainment to honour and appease the dead.
All Full Moons intensify, illuminate and culminate cycles, but this Blue Moon’s exact conjunction to retrograding Uranus, the Great Awakener, planet of rebellion, revolution, sudden shocks and disruptions, chaos, electricity, friendship, community, progress, and radical innovations that lead to greater freedom, means that it could be more chaotic, unpredictable and revealing than most. With the Sun directly opposed Uranus and the Moon conjunct, the planet’s full potentials are being triggered. There’s potential for sudden unexpected shifts and change in areas of our lives that we thought were immovable. Exciting flashes of inspiration, genius creative ideas and sudden insights about how we do the things we do, as well as the potential for chaotic events to reveal brilliant innovations or unexpected surprises in relation to money and business could also be possible.
Taurean Full Moons indicate a tendency for over-indulgence and under the influence of this wildly unpredictable Moon, which coincides with the first weekend Melburnians have been permitted to visit bars/drink with friends in public after one of the longest lockdowns in the world, it‘s worth avoiding reckless abandon. But if anything does go shockingly ‘wrong’ this week, remember that Uranian events tend to awaken us from patterns that have been unconsciously restricting our freedom whilst simultaneously providing us with the means to radically course correct.
And we have some power to influence the ways in which these energies unfold to some extent by choosing how we work with them. Actively seeking harmony and fairness in our communications, changing things up creatively in relationships that have begun to feel stagnant, making space for wild, inventive, imaginative, risk-taking creativity, and deciding to do things that have been feeling dull, depressing, disappointing or outdated differently represent a proactive intention to harness Uranian intentions for radical change in creative, harmonious Venusian ways.
This weekend’s Uranus in Taurus Full Blue Halloween Moon marks another of the thresholds in our year of epic transitions, and initiates the wildly unpredictable proceedings that are set to unfold on the world stage next week. The crucial underlying message is that it’s time to do things differently: with more love, more creativity & more fairness...
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