Coronavirus & the Pluto-Jupiter conjunction

We can see the light glittering at the end of the tunnel Narrm…

The news that an easing of restrictions would be announced for Melbourne on Sunday, with only one new case and no deaths, coincided exactly with Saturday‘s New Moon in Libra in the sign of balancing & relationships. New Moons are best known for instigating new beginnings and that feels quite literal right now. But with its many complex aspects to the most challenging planetary configurations of 2020 this lunation was focused more on release, relinquishing and elimination, which is also what we’ve been doing. Whatever is extinguished in the lead up to a new moon tends not to come back, so although our numbers are still a little shaky, it looks tentatively hopeful that we could outrun a third wave🤞🏾But not without a whole lot of continued diligence. There are still strong astrological indications of a third wave in the weeks and months ahead, and we’ll continue to see numbers climb globally in mid November.

The meeting of Jupiter and Pluto has been associated with plagues and pandemics throughout history. The Black Death, which radically transformed 14th Century Europe with the deaths of around 50 million people or 60% of the continental population, involved a Jupiter/Pluto conjunction in Aries in 1347. The Russian Plague of 1771, which was the last major outbreak of the bubonic plague, involved a Jupiter/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn. The 1918 Spanish flu, which resulted in 50 million deaths globally, involved a Jupiter/Pluto conjunction in Cancer. The HIV/AIDS epidemic, which resulted in 65 million infections and 25 million deaths worldwide, involved the 1981 Jupiter/Pluto conjunction in Libra, also in the sign of relationships.

In 2020 the Jupiter/Pluto conjunction takes place three times in Capricorn. The first two conjunctions occurred in April and June and corresponded with a huge rise in case numbers around the world. The final of these conjunctions is exact from November 8-13. We’ll need to be extra careful throughout November so that we can really enjoy each other this Summer 🌞 

Stay focused legends, we can do it 💗

#narrm #easingrestrictions #coronavirus #astrologicalwarning #libranewmoon2020 #plutojupiterconjunction #pluto #jupiter #libra #2020 #astrology
