
Wrestling with demons: the business end of 2020

Last week’s full moon offered us some sweet celestial reprieve but it certainly wasn’t all that was going on in the skies and for some of us the energy was intense. Many of us with planets near 11 degrees Virgo, 25 degrees Capricorn and 25 degrees Aries, experienced a ‘smiting’ under the influence of a ‘Hammer of Thor’ aspect, which brought news about an ongoing issue we’ve been dealing with that we hoped had gone away. The word ‘smiting’ is connected to ‘smithing’, the beating of hot metal on an anvil, and the process by which raw materials are transformed into tools of functional value. So be encouraged if you’re feeling like beaten metal, that you’re being actively transformed in this process, and that what you will come out with on the other side will be greater than what you came in with, and more in line with who you want to become. Last week, we received the message about what needs to change in this situation, this week we gain more clarity about how we can make that happen. And as mentioned, this week’s energies offer some excellent opportunities to communicate, plan, and envision what that future might look like.

The Hammer of Thor aspect includes the nervously-anticipated square between warrior god Mars and Saturn, god of time, law, societal structures and control. This is one of the defining aspects of 2020. Although it occurs every year for a couple of days, this year Mars and Saturn will square for FIVE WHOLE MONTHS. If you’ve heard astrologers saying that the hardest part of 2020 is yet to come, this is, in large part, what they’re referring to. Mars and Saturn are both extra powerful in their own signs now, and Saturn, retrograding since May 11, has been forcing us to review the structural issues in our lives to determine what is and is not working. As Mars prepares to retrograde also, he’s been slowing down and gaining intensity. During this time we’ve seen more violent protests, police brutality, racial violence, martial activity, reactivity and aggression in general. When he finally goes retrograde on around Sept 10 we’re likely to see those energies continue to escalate further, and for quite some time. This is the lowest expression of Mars energy.

At a personal level, under the influence of these energies, we’ll be best aided by directing our attention inward and to the past (retro = to go back) to reconsider, reassess, revise and reimagine the nature of our destiny and our desires, our previous courses of action, how we use our will to achieve them, how we express our anger when we’re thwarted, when and what we choose to fight for and how. These are the higher considerations of Mars energy. Mars is also in his highest expression as warrior energy when fighting for justice, protecting and defending those who do not have a voice or are unable to defend themselves, and rescuing and rebuilding in the aftermath of strife.

This energy can be seen on the global stage now, as Mars and his rebel general, warrior queens Black Moon Lilith and Eris, and his Centaurian advisor Chiron wage a battle against the systemic corruption and injustices that riddle the structural core of our societies. Governments, banks, corporations, patriarchy, hierarchies and capitalism are all signified by Saturn-ruled Capricorn. Saturn uses domination and repressive force to hold on to and extend his power; in mythology, he ate his own children to avoid ceding power to them. White supremacy, sexism, ableism, economic injustice, environmental exploitation and domination are all low-end Saturn in Capricorn energy. 

Saturn has the upper hand for now in this dynamic but don’t be disheartened. He and Jupiter move out of Capricorn into Aquarius on the Summer/Winter Solstice of December 21, forming a Grand Conjunction that signals the beginning of a new roughly 200 year-long cycle that will govern the shape and trajectory of our social evolution on Earth. We are in the final dramatic phase of a 200 year-long era of Earth energy, during which we have colonised and oppressed the peoples who have been its wisest protectors in order to exploit and extract obscenely squandered wealth from now dangerously depleted resources. Hierarchies of wealthy, white, male, middle aged power and privilege have dominated in this era. 

The Aquarian age will be VERY different although the transition will take time and be difficult. This new era of Air is being initiated with the aforementioned Aquarian conjunction and it will shape society’s direction for the next 20 years. It’s also one of the major entry points, I believe, into the famed Age of Aquarius, which is a different astrological age altogether, marked by the precession of the equinoxes, a roughly 26,000 year cycle in total, in which each age is made up of roughly 2000 years.

We are in the very last stages of a 2000 year Age of Pisces, which has been dominated by the relationship of our societies to spirituality: all of the world’s major religions emerged in this time and have shaped the social, philosophical and political structures of our societies. This new era of Air, which begins in Aquarius, is like a kickstart into the Age of Aquarius, shifting our focus towards community and the building of a more equal society. We’ll be working towards self-actualisation so that we can serve society best through the expression of our own unique gifts. The hierarchies of domination and control that characterise our current world will eventually collapse and be replaced (in approximately 50 years) by a new system of social order structured around decentralised networks of power. And the Aquarian Age will also be characterised by extraordinary technological innovation and advancement. This is the legacy we’re preparing for our children. 

The Saturn/Mars tension is playing out in our personal lives in the areas where we want to move forward and get things done but feel thwarted or restricted. Our movements will continue to be restricted by forces beyond our control for the remainder of the year.  However, we can turn this constriction on its head by choosing to do the Saturnian work ourselves: establishing boundaries, reviewing structural issues, facing our fears, being disciplined about the work that we know is necessary at a personal level. To make the kind of social change that is the promise of Aquarius we will need our full power, and the way we access it is by doing the inner work.

These are big times. Whatever work we do now under the auspices of these Saturnian restrictions will set us up to hit the ground running when they finally lift, and to make much quicker and more meaningful progress, and on a major scale. Things are set to get worse before they get better, but the more we focus our attention inward to address the issues we know are there, the less likely we are to be impacted by external forces that will seek to do that work for us, and the quicker we’ll be able to access a fuller expression of our power.

Finally this weekend, Mars forms another much shorter-lived square with his lover Venus, goddess of harmony, pleasure, beauty, value, love and fairness. This aspect could bring about some tensions in relationships, but overall Mars is more receptive to the feminine now. The moon is also transiting Chiron this weekend, which suggests that any tension that does surface now might actually act as a gateway for some powerful healing. Mars is also flanked by those previously mentioned, powerful supporting energies, which are archetypally feminine, and represent the marginalised, neglected and unjustly treated in our world: Chiron the centaur, teacher of orphan heroes and wounded healer; Eris, sister of Mars, goddess of discord and defender of the ostracised and overlooked; and Black Moon Lilith, first wife of Adam who was demonised for refusing to be subservient to a man. The world is changing, friends. Although the going is slow and hard.

Nonetheless, there are always shining moments within these epic movements. We’ll continue to feel the positive influence of a beautiful grand Earth trine this week between Uranus in Taurus (innovations in relation to the material qualities of our lives) the Sun in Virgo (our ability to improve the way we do things) and Jupiter in Capricorn (the expansion of opportunities that result from the lessons of our previous efforts) so look out for possibilities to utilise these beneficial energies and nurture your power this week. They’re helping to prepare us for greatness ✨🌟🌕🌞

Much love beautiful friends

Wrestling with demons, 2020

Ink, gouache and watercolour on paper
