My dad was a devoutly religious Catholic when my siblings & I were growing up but whenever we found ourselves in a beautiful place in nature, he always described it with passionate reverence as ‘magic’. I’ve been thinking a lot about how that inscription has informed my own beliefs re magic. Like so many others, I rarely felt anything divine in religion, I encountered it teeming & abundant in nature. But as we’ve evolved in our capacity to scientifically comprehend the miraculous nature of the cosmos, we seem to have succumbed to an increasingly deadening disregard for the actual magic of the world. Those who deride mysticism as superstition & ignorance, who ascribe a soulless Cartesian mechanics to the function of nature, do so to the detriment of wonder & rob the everyday miracles of the world of their potential to yield meaning.
In reality, every act of intention realised is a magical feat of manifestation in collaboration with nature. We possess the power to partake in the miracle of flight, can manifest an abundance of fruit where it’s never grown before by harnessing the power of nature, however timing & conditions remain critical factors. Cherry trees planted in the summer months will struggle to take root but if they’re planted in the cooling earth of Autumn, they’ll thrive & bear fruit. Astrology is the mystical art & science used by the ancients to gauge the quality of time.
On March 21 the Equinox marks the Sun’s entry into 0 Aries, which begins both the astrological new year & Autumn in the Southern hemisphere. As the first sign of the zodiac Aries represents actions motivated by desire & the force & forward thrust of birth. Each year, the Aries New Moon marks a particularly potent moment for astrological magic when intentions seeded have the greatest chance of manifesting within 12 months. The incredible nature of this potential was hammered home for me personally this year. I was about to deliver a huge public art project on the last Aries New Moon & was too exhausted to set intentions but I was attacked by a dog on site the next day, my painting hand mauled then damaged further in surgery, out of action for months & my world turned upside down. Incredibly, the biggest intentions I would have consciously seeded on that New Moon have come to fruition this year, albeit under pretty bloody challenging circumstances.
As a result I’ve been determined to be extremely intentional this year and as fate would have it, it’s a particularly rare & powerful portal for astrological magic in 2023 with two New Moons in Aries: the first at the critical 0 degree on March 22 & the second at the critical 29th degree on April 20, also the first solar eclipse of the season. So if you’d also like to supercharge your manifestation potential for 2023, stay tuned dear friends. I’ll be sharing content over coming days to help you clarify intentions & get prepared. This week as we’re building towards a surreal culmination between what we want & what we dream of, what’s actually realistic or ridiculous as the Sun conjoins Neptune & Mercury in Pisces & squares Mars in Gemini on Thurs 16, it’s a perfect time to begin taking notes.
#staytuned #ariesnewmoon #aries #eclipse #sun #mercury #neptune #mars #geminin #pisces #manifestationportal #astrologicalmagic #magic #nature #intentions #actions #art #astrology