We’re entering a super-powerful portal in time - both beautiful and intense - which begins today (September 23) with a Cardinal shift into Air with the Spring/Autumn Equinox, my friends. The Equinoxes mark two fleeting moments of perfect balance in the year when when the Earth’s tilt produces exactly equal lengths of night and day. As the Sun crosses the equator from our perspective and enters 0 degrees of Libra, days begin to lengthen in the Southern Hemisphere and shorten in the Northern and the shift in season brings an influx of change, endings and new opportunities in the realm of the relational.
This afternoon, Mercury retrogrades into the Sun’s embrace at 0 degrees of Libra. This cazimi moment at the ‘heart of the Sun’, which is exact at 4:49pm AEST, represents a moment of power for the planet of the mind, which brings illumination to conversations, insights into the nature of karmic entanglements and their transformations, and the sublime ability to speak the truth in service of relationship. We experience a growing clarity around what we want and possess the skills to communicate in ways that support our connections. Tomorrow, on Saturday September 24, Mercury will retrograde back into its exaltation, providing some friendly, empowered support to burnt-out, hard-working Venus. We have a chance to revise the details in our routines that require some tweaking, to burn off dross and clear away detritus that’s been cluttering our Venusian powers to attract.
Also on Saturday, Venus in Virgo opposes Neptune, planet of mysticism, illusion, imagination and universal love in Pisces. With Neptune in rulership, and Venus, planet of love and abundance, in fall we could feel overwhelmed by the irreconcilable gap between our ideals and the realities of our situations. If so it’s a good day to remember that the real situation is far from hopeless. Venus moves into Libra on Friday September 30 where she’ll experience a dramatic improvement in dignity. The same day Mercury Rx will move in to oppose Neptune, stimulating mystical insights and messages received in altered states of daydreaming that help us to clarify the vision and the practical details. Venus’ ingress into Libra could also lend us interpersonal superpowers; we’re better at harmonising and coaxing beauty from conversations through which we’re revealed to ourselves through the eyes and ears of the other.
On Monday September 26 the New Moon at 2 degrees of Libra, sign of relationships, opposes the Greater Benefic Jupiter at 3 degrees of Aries, sign of the self. It emphasises the pull between our intentions for relationship and our need to be true to ourselves but there’s good fortune in honouring the simultaneous and opposing drives that allow both us and our relationships to thrive. It’s a powerfully initiating New Moon, well-suited for sowing relationship intentions that provide the space for us to grow into the truest version of ourselves.
In the early hours of Tuesday September 27, the Sun moves into its exact opposition with Jupiter, reinforcing and enlarging these themes. Messenger god Mercury takes Venus into his chariot at 26 degrees of Virgo, offering her momentary reprieve from the burning rays of the Sun, as the two planets simultaneously trine Pluto, planet of power and transformation at 26 Capricorn. This complex scenario suggests a powerful opportunity to speak up for what’s fair with Mercury and Pluto revealing information about systemic injustice and abuses of power that depend on the suffering of certain people to preserve the status quo.
A couple of days later on Thursday September 29, Mars in Gemini trines Saturn Rx in Aquarius at 19 degrees. This harmonising conversation between the malefics stimulates the determination and drive of Mars and the patience and persistence of Saturn and focuses our attention on the facts of matters at hand and how they shape the future vision. Venus moves into the temple of Libra on Friday September 30, which sweetens the mood for celebration and artful conversation as we prime ourselves for the next 12 days of intensity.
On Saturday October 1, Saturn begins its final of four epic squares to Uranus. The two co-rulers of Aquarius will remain at the same degree until Wednesday October 12. Although their square never perfects to the minute, the tension between diametrically opposed viewpoints and/or conflicting demands, both personal and global, should feel palpable. This final ‘squaring off’ between the gods rekindles both the material and ideological conflicts of 2021 and the storylines in our own lives, which began in February and peaked again in June and December 2021. This energy triggers a confrontation between revolutionary energy and authoritarian rule, the old ways and the new, the assertion of boundaries and the fight for freedom from suffocating constraints. The likelihood of a heavy-handed Russian response to Ukrainian advances is extremely high for example, but so too is the likelihood of rebellion and other unexpected events in this and other politically and culturally polarised scenarios. These dynamics also feed into questions about how we want to advance as societies (Saturn in Aquarius) and how we manage our natural and economic resources at a time of climate crisis (Uranus in Taurus).
Although we’re likely to witness some heavy events on the global stage, the pressure will hopefully dissipate before coming to full-scale violence given that Uranus refrains from making an exact square to the dominating influence of Saturn. It’s as if we face the reality at some level and turn inward to find innovative ways of responding to the challenges. At the personal level this period provides us with powerful opportunities to practice the kind of reflective maturity that’s been hard-won over recent years and to consider where we need to establish healthy boundaries and structures, and what old problems need to be radically reconsidered from new vantage points. There’s a potential now to shift problematic patterns by considering the kinds of innovations that emphasise simplicity and beauty and promise us greater freedom in relation to what we value most.
Mercury finally stations direct at 24 degrees of Virgo on Sunday October 2, putting an end to the worst of the technological glitches, hopefully, and priming us for some inspired improvements with a heightened ability to think through the details of our plan and organise. The two benefics make an exact opposition on this day with Venus at home in her rulership of Libra and Jupiter at 2 degrees of Aries re-emphasising the themes of the New Moon and the opportunities for growth, good fortune and affinity as we artfully strive to balance the opposing needs of me and we. There’s the potential for beauty and breakthroughs as we work to simplify, keeping what we most value like a jewel in our minds.
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