The other morning I was lying in bed trying to dream up an idea for a painting that I could use as mnemonic device to remind me to work smarter not harder, and the image that came was of a beehive and fat bees, drunk on scent, nuzzling luscious blossoms for nectar.
Over the last couple of days, I’ve realised that it’s actually a magical and auspicious metaphor for this week’s astrology. Venus, the goddess of love and abundance meets Saturn, the god of discipline and hard work at 5 degrees of Aquarius on Saturday February 6. Aquarius is the sign of the self-actualised individual serving society and of decentralised structures of power that serve the greater good.
Venus-Saturn conjunctions tend to make Venus more serious and hard working than usual, which fits the metaphor of the beehive, and of the Queen Bee as Venus, the creative dimension of our psyche, who directs the work. Saturn in his rulership in Aquarius is more powerful than the Goddess of love in this dynamic, compelling her to work hard and to overcome the obstacles that will both inform and strengthen the structures she is attempting to build for the abundance and well-being of her community.
She reminds us of the importance of sweetening the work, of following our senses and our curiosity, of knowing that we each have a role to play and that we’re not being asked to contribute more than we’re capable of giving because epic results are derived from collective contributions. It reminds us of the mutual importance of seeking out beauty in our lives and drinking it in in order to nourish ourselves and each other, as well as patiently and painstakingly building structures, which are both practical and beautiful, that will nourish and protect ourselves and others.
On Sunday February 7 Venus in Aquarius makes a square to Uranus, planet of change, disruption and innovation in her own sign of fecund, slow-growing Taurus. We could think of this tension between the two planets, who are in mutual reception, as generating an opportunity in which a desire for change that leads to greater love, beauty, abundance, creativity and freedom meets the need for discipline, strategy, hard work and maturity. It helps us to get very clear about the intentions we want to plant on the immensely powerful New Moon in Aquarius on Friday 12 February. This New Moon promises the fertilisation and expansion of any intention we plant and cultivate this year, with both of the benefic planets - Venus and Jupiter - exactly conjunct at the moment of the New Moon, and the major planetary transits of 2021 providing continuing opportunities to build towards their realisation.
This week’s homework is to get clear about your intentions. What do you want to build, create, change, expand and nourish this year? What do you want to innovate in the context of your communities, creativity, connections and resources? What structures would you need to build? And what beliefs and psychic limitations would you need to relinquish in order to make it happen? This week is a powerful one for letting go of old stories and ideas, for cultivating fertile soil from the refuse of our psychic lives in preparation for seeding. It’s part of a bigger cycle that we’ll be undergoing throughout 2021 and 2022, so dream big and magnificent dreams my beautiful friends....
For a little more on this week’s magic check out the video below 🐥🐝🌞🌸🌒
#workinprogress #iranoutoftimetopaintbees #venus #saturn #jupiter #chiron #bees #beehive #queenbee #magic #aquarius #taurus #uranus #mars #newmoonaquarius2021 #astrology