Prepare your self-care kits dear ones, we’ve embarked on an epic ride…
Mars and Saturn formed their second exact square for the year yesterday on September 28th, continuing a story that began for us collectively and individually on around the 24th August. The first square coincided with the police shooting of Jacob Blake, the poisoning of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, the Kenosha protests in which police backed armed white vigilantes and a white 17 year old opened fire on unarmed primarily black protesters, and the extension of Victoria’s state of emergency laws, which unlike the other examples was instigated for the purposes of public safety but nonetheless provoked bitter backlash and ire about the repressive influence of the powers that be.
This time around Mars and Saturn are both retrograding, which means they’re closer to the earth and exerting a stronger influence. It could lead to more reactionary violence, systemic injustice and repression at a societal level. However, there’s a powerful opportunity available to us personally if we can consciously direct its influence in the areas that matter to us most. Squares produce enormous tension that we feel compelled to resolve through the creation of tangible, material solutions. This makes them potent, albeit deeply challenging, manifestation opportunities. Looking back at what was was coming to light for us individually in late August could help us to take decisive and mature action to change the structures of our lives that are being impacted now, as well as the power dynamics that surround them.
As always, the cure for what ails us can be found in the higher expression of the energies we’re directly confronting. We may feel deeply triggered in this re-emerging scenario, but the two planets offer us the medicine we need as well as the warning. Saturn counsels patience and strategic thinking, demands that we follow the rules, and offers us extra reserves of discipline and staying power. Above all he wants us to take responsibility, to be accountable for our actions and achieve maturity. Retrograding Mars compels us to abstain from angry reactivity at any cost, cautions us against acting impulsively and encourages us to focus on aligning our actions with the power manifest in our desires. Looking to the past to determine the courses of action that did and didn’t work, particularly in the areas being triggered, is powerful use of retrograding Mars energy. But most importantly it affords us a vital opportunity to understand how we may have previously abandoned ourselves in order to get clear about what we truly want. Saturn represents the reality of what is; Mars shows us what we desire most. The question is: what needs to change in our lives in order to realise what we want?
Inflamed Mars energy can be dangerously reactive but it can be channelled into physical activities and/or projects we feel passionate about to excellent effect. And there’s an even more potent opportunity to wield this energy now for transformation. As Pluto slows down to a standstill this week, preparing for its own square to Mars on October 8, it gains far greater intensity, triggering unresolved traumas and amplifying their patterning in our lives. But as lord of the underworld, Pluto beckons us to probe beneath the surface of our anger in order to understand the issues of power and powerlessness, trauma and shame that lie at its root in order to transform them. Pluto was the god of death and the afterlife but also of riches. This is not easy work, but it provides us with the means to heal and purify the psychic miasma of our deepest wounds, to transform its putrescent material into fertile earth, and to yield precious wealth from the rocky substructure of our experiences.
With Mercury’s move into Scorpio yesterday, further emphasis is placed on thinking and communicating deeper issues beneath the surface. Mercury the Psychopomp can aid us in the unravelling of toxic beliefs that are both derived from and prevent healing our karmic wounds, and this will be especially powerful when Mercury goes retrograde on October 15. With Mercury currently in shadow, we should be backing up our devices and taking care of any mechanical, technical, business issues that have already been giving us hints. If we don’t pay attention to the messages we’re receiving now about what needs work and attention the retrograde period will force us to deal with them in far more frustrating ways. We may feel more emotional during Mercury’s stay in Scorpio, and there’s another warning here about resorting to manipulation in our communications. We may be more inclined towards secrecy or to wanting to expose the truth and the Scorpionic energy will help us to get to the bottom of secrets and other mysteries, especially relating to abuses of power. This is an excellent time to engage in counselling, psychology, astrology and other forms of therapy and divination that deepen understanding.
On Wednesday September 30, Saturn finally stations direct, which brings us a modicum of relief but it probably won’t last for long. Friday October 2 (7am EST) delivers us an immensely powerful full moon in the sign of the warrior god, Aries. It continues another story that began with the Aries new moon of March 24 when Mars was back at 25 degrees of Capricorn alongside Pluto at 24 and Jupiter at 23, with Saturn having just moved into 0 degrees of Aquarius. It marked the onset of a new global era under the influence of Covid. Full moons are lunar/sun oppositions, which bring axis issues into scrutiny, and on Friday the sun focuses our attention on a dynamic encounter between self (Aries) and other (Libra), which was initiated with the new moon in March. It’s worth reviewing journal entries to recap on what was emerging personally at that time in order to gain a better understanding of what we need to take action on now. The full moon is also closely conjunct retrograding Chiron ‘the wounded healer’ which indicates that any painful issues that do surface during this lunation offer powerful potential for healing and insight. Chiron’s symbol, which resembles a key, signifies the idea that our wounds, when understood, present the means by which we can unlock our true potential.
Although the full moon is occurring in the earlier degrees of Aries, Mars is amplifying its energies nonetheless. That energy is further intensified by an exact conjunction with Eris, sister of Mars and ostracised warrior goddess of strife, and a close conjunction with Black Moon Lilith, who was demonised for refusing subservience. Collectively they’re adding even more social justice warrior chilli to the mix than usual. Thankfully, Venus makes a beautiful trine to Mars, Eris and Lilith all this week, which offers soothing relief and support through the tumult of all of this aggravated emotion. If and when we feel overwhelmed by anger or grief, we will find relief by lavishing Venusian attention on ourselves this week. When Venus moves into Virgo on Saturday we can make an enormous difference by offering this kind of attention to others as well. When nerves are frayed, take quiet walks in nature, cook delicious meals, garden, make your home a more comfortable, decluttered and beautiful place, soak in scented baths, brew chai, pick flowers, make practical rituals of physical touch.
Finally, Pluto stations direct at 22 degrees of Capricorn on Monday 5th October, the same degree he was occupying in January when the first exported cases of Covid-19 were documented globally. All three planets - lords of 2020 - Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter are now moving direct, but they’re covering ground they’ve already moved through this year so on some level we know what to expect.