Crowning: Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius

How are you all faring my friends? If you’ve been feeling the intense vibes like me (it’s been one of my toughest weeks of 2020) I hope it helps to know that you’re not alone and that you’re doing some epic, karmic, cathartic work here.

We can thank tomorrow’s enormously powerful total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius for the intensity (December 15 @ 3:15am AEST). Solar eclipses amplify the power of ordinary New Moons, and as with all eclipses, they have a mysterious way of unfolding long before they actually occur and continuing to influence the character of events for a similarly long period afterwards. They can sometimes feel so subtle that we barely notice them or so dramatic that our lives are changed forever. This eclipse occurs close to the nodes of the moon, which makes it more powerful than usual.

It’s a highly mental eclipse in Sagittarius with Mercury closely conjunct the karmic south node and combust the Sun (so close that it was considered by ancient astrologers to be scorched by the Sun’s rays and unable to function in its usual capacity). Mercury‘s also transitioning to his Evening Star position, taking on the qualities of Hermes the trickster and psychopomp. It may feel more difficult to perceive the true nature of events, easier to fool ourselves or seek escapist strategies for coping. We may feel burdened by the demands we place on ourselves or even feel covertly attacked. Conversely, these very same conditions profoundly amplify the potential for spiritual growth if we focus on eradicating ideas, assumptions and beliefs that have been causing chaos and suffering in our lives.

This eclipse combines the feeling of both a final exam & the graduation. There’s a mounting pressure in having to make decisions that we have one chance to get right, which makes us feel exhausted and overwhelmed. But it gets easier when we realise that we’re being tested on our courage to move past toxic, outdated dogma and belief in order to be true to ourselves.

Mars, the god of action, also makes a positive trine to this eclipse propelling us forward fueled by our desires. Sagittarius is Jupiter’s sign, but the Great Benefic and god of expansion has been unlucky in Capricorn all year, making the difficult aspects of our lives bigger whilst thankfully still being able to minimise the potential for total catastrophe. The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius occurs a week after this eclipse and Jupiter gains a significant improvement in status with this shift. Situations that may have looked dire during this eclipse period are also likely to take a significant, surprising and swift turn for the better.

If 2020 is the labour that births a new era, tomorrow’s Solar Eclipse is like the crowning. Which is to say that our labour isn’t done yet. It leads us to the Great Conjunction on the Solstice, when the metaphorical baby meets the air. As anyone who’s given birth knows, January will involve major adjustments and challenges but we could also fall in love with the emerging possibilities and changes in our lives.

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