Apollo the Evening star

Darling friends, we’ve embarked on one of the final legs of this wild ride and it’s triggering some surreal and contradictory sensations. The celestial variety-show looks set to carry us through the next two curly weeks and should stimulate a range of emotions and growth opportunities.

We experience the direct impact of this week’s second square between Mercury, now moving direct in Libra, and Saturn in Capricorn November 6-7. Squares motivate necessary change through the experience of deeply uncomfortable tensions, and often, the greater the intensity, the more inspired and powerful the action. Setbacks, disruptions, frustrations and delays, especially regarding Mercurial themes - the mind, information, communication, business, travel - are likely both personally and collectively. But Mercury encourages us to express the truth of who we are and what we’re striving to create in the world and Saturn demands that we take responsibility for our own lives.

Like all planets, Saturn has many guises and expressions, some seemingly contradictory. In Capricorn, he represents the rigidly conservative hierarchical structures of governance and commerce that define our current world. And yet he also signifies those who are powerless in society, the lower classes, and the elderly. On one hand, Saturn in Capricorn tends toward domination, resisting any change to the status quo while clinging to power and the past. On the other, he demands change of us, and thrusts upon us the lessons we need to learn in order to reach maturity. Like a wise, disciplinarian old uncle, Saturn demands hard work and expects the best of us, and if we do the job well he rewards us richly for it.

Channelling our energies into Saturnian work (find yours by reading the sign and house where Saturn lives in your natal chart) in ways that are inspiring and authentic to us, pays high dividends and transforms burdensome labour into passionate and productive skill. If we don’t develop these skills voluntarily, Saturn delivers the kinds of necessary unwanted constraints that lead us to personal and collective maturity. This is what Saturn demands of us in 2020.

Mercury also emerged as the Morning Star on US Election Day, November 3/4. In ancient astrology Mercury was thought of in this guise as Apollo the Sun god, god of music, prophecy, healing, justice and poetry; divine protector and educator of the young, and most dignified of gods. (Thanks to Rumen Kolev and @astrolada for this fantastic insight into the significance of Mercury as Apollo the Morning Star). As an infant fed on ambrosia, Apollo declared his divine mission to interpret the will of Zeus (Jupiter) for humanity via means of prophecy.

But in ancient astrology Mercury also took the form of Hermes as the Evening Star, and in mythology, Hermes’ first act as an infant was to steal Apollo’s cattle. Although Apollo was furious, the baby Hermes gave him a lyre that he’d made himself, an instrument for which Apollo became famous, and was thus able to avoid punishment. This is the other side of Mercury: the brilliant mind, trickster, and thief. As an Evening Star-Mercury-ruled Gemini, Trump seems to express these archetypal qualities of Hermes potently. And although we’re likely to see more of this clever, Mercurial trickery in action this week, the Evening Star no longer reigns in our skies. Apollo the Morning Star overcomes Saturn on November 8, suggesting some breakthrough in communication that favours justice. Moving direct in Libra, the sign of balance and fairness, Apollo speaks to power and for those who are powerless in this expression, and his way is seeming more clear.

However on November 8, Jupiter also makes his final conjunction to Pluto in Capricorn in a transit that lasts a full five days and signals the possible culmination of an explosive situation we’ve already faced twice this year in April and June. As mentioned in a previous post, the Jupiter Pluto conjunction is associated historically with peaks in pandemics but it can also signify explosive situations of civil unrest. The Russian Plague, which also coincided with a Pluto Jupiter conjunction in Capricorn, led to the Plague Riot of Moscow in 1771. It’s also associated with movements of large amounts of money, with the ballooning wealth of billionaires, as we’ve already seen during peak pandemic periods this year, as well as large scale financial assistance provided by governments.

It’s a time to be extra careful regarding contagion of all kinds. They Jupiter Pluto conjunction could also trigger traumatic energies in our personal lives, but it’s important to remember that if such experiences do surface it’s so they can be seen and transformed (Pluto). In the final weeks of the Age of Earth we decide what we wish to carry with us into the Age of Air. This incredibly powerful threshold involving the Saturn Jupiter conjunction in Aquarius, known as the Great Mutation, takes place every 240 years. This year it occurs on the Summer/Winter Solstice of December 21 and will truly be something to celebrate…

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#uselections #mercury #morningstar #apollo #hermes #saturn #jupiter #pluto #astrology #2020
