The Deep Dive:  1 hour 30 min reading


The Deep Dive:  1 hour 30 min reading


This long reading explores the natal promise in depth and allows us to delve into important issues, questions and concerns using a range of techniques and approaches that are uniquely tailored to your needs. We can also explore a number of topics including some of those described below in the Additional Info.

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All readings are tailored to your needs and explore your questions in the context of the natal promise, using various techniques. However, shorter readings focus on a smaller number of topics and longer readings explore more issues in greater depth using a wider range of techniques. All readings are conducted via Zoom and you’ll receive an emailed link to download your recording, usually the following day.  

Choose your own adventure…

If what you’re after is not on this list, please let me know what you’d specifically like to explore.

🪐 Future forecasting and prediction:

Focusing on longer-range future forecasting and/or more detailed timing re specific topics, events or periods of time using a range of timing techniques. 

🌞 Solar return readings:

Solar Return charts show the moment when the Sun returns to the exact minute and degree of your birth in any given year. They can provide powerful information about the kinds of opportunities and events you may be likely to experience in the year ahead.

☀️ Electional astrology:

Identifying ideal times to initiate important activities to ensure their greatest potential for success! This is powerful astrology for launching a project, starting a business, choosing a wedding date, staging a party, event or ceremony, organising a romantic date, timing an important conversation or proposal or any other significant action that you want to go well.  

💗♥️  Synastry readings:

We explore the unique dynamics within specific relationships by examining the synastry between the charts of two individuals. Synastry readings offer us a deeper understanding of the power, opportunities, challenges and karmic potential within all kinds of relationships (whether romantic, familial, parent/child, friendship, professional etc) and highlight areas of potential conflict and misunderstanding and the ways in which these patterns can be redirected to cultivate better relationships.

💵 Money readings:

Exploring money issues as they relate to the natal promise, using timing techniques to predict future trends and identify areas, which can be developed to increase future abundance.

♥️♠️ Tarot and Divining cards:

Combining astrology with cards allows us to explore another symbolic layer of the topics at hand. You also have agency in this divination process by determining the selection of cards. 

⏰  Rectification:

If you don’t know your birth time, don’t fret! Ancient astrology enables us to identify a rising sign, without which it’s difficult to do detailed and accurate predictions and analysis. We examine significant events in the lifetime to understand where they were most likely to have occurred in your chart and cross-check your rising sign by confirming important character traits and experiences.